Postcard Invitation Design for Back to School Day

NYU Tandon Back to School Day Postcard

We designed this postcard to serve as an invitation to Back to School Day and the Golden Jubilee Induction Ceremony for NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering. The event was held in honor of the Class of 1966 and this invitation was designed specifically for this audience. It uses inclusive imagery and design that speaks to the entire community of engineering alumni, including those who attended NYU’s Heights Engineering program and those who attended the Polytechnic Institute in Brooklyn. The final print size of this piece was 6″x9.

We understand that the messaging of any invitation needs to be just right—it must capture the spirit of the event and successfully reach its target audience. That’s why we approach each communications project with a fresh perspective, leveraging our expertise in design, content strategy, and social media marketing to develop messages that resonate. We can help you create print campaigns, SEO content, and digital messaging that reflect your organization’s unique message.

Whether you have a small or large-scale project in mind, Wolff-Mills Design is the perfect design partner to help bring it to life. Contact us today to get started.